Archive | September, 2011

Chicken Tarragon

7 Sep

I made some chicken tarragon for lunch today. This dish embodies that simplicity can sometimes yield some of the best results. I simply sautéed chicken, and made a sauce with some stock, tarragon and the sucs from the pan. On the side I had a vegetable medley and some baby beets tossed in clarified butter. For garnish I dehydrated some chicken skin, and fried some thyme and tarragon. I was quite satisfied with the results.

The Chicken Tarragon and the Vegetables nicely arraged with the Garnishes

Back in the Kitchen

5 Sep

After a long hiatus I have started to cook and plan posts again. I am working out the kinks on getting some molecular gastronomy posts on the way, but in the meantime I will be posting regular creations as I cook them. I think I am going to take the direction of the blog towards a more pictures, and less text. I still plan to have recipe write-ups, but the focus will be more on food styling and aesthetics. So stay tuned!